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导语: Home | The Global Innovation Policy Center,


美国全国商会知产中心提供综合类、Intellectual property、 Intellectual property rights、 Why is IP important、 Why is intellectual property importantWhat is intellectual property、 What is IP、 IP Creates Jobs、 Dangerous Fakes、 Counterfeiting and piracy、 IP Delivers、 IP Index、 Intellectual property index、 Global intellectual property center、 GIPC、 IP Center、 IP organization、 IP jobs、 Intellectual property jobs、 IP exports、 Intellectual property exports、 IP wages、 Intellectual property wages、 IP output、 IP GDP、 Intellectual property output、 Intellectual property GDP、 Innovation、 Counterfeit drugs、 Fake drugs、 Counterfeit pharmaceuticals、 Fake jersey、 Counterfeit jersey、 Fake clothes、 Counterfeit clothes、 Pirated movies、 Pirated music、 Fake purse、 Counterfeit purse、 Copyright infringement、 Pirated software、 Counterfeit defense、 Trademark、 Copyright、 Patent、 TPP、 Trans-Pacific Partnership、 Special 301、 Customs and Border Protection、 CBP、 Operation in Our Sites、 India AND patent、 China、 Counterfeit products、 Fake products、 Pirated products、 Digital piracy、 Intellectual property enforcement coordinator、 IPEC、 Immigrations and Customs Enforcement、 WTO、 Rogue website、 Rogue site、 ACTA、 Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement、 Voices of IP、 Voices of intellectual property等服务,网站地址是:http://www.theglobalipcenter.com/,The U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s Global Innovation Policy Center (GIPC) is leading a worldwide effort to champion intellectual property rights as vital to creating jobs、 saving lives、 and advancing economic growth.

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